Fast, accurate pressure measurements at moderate cost. Combines modern, solid
state integrated circuit electronics with timeproven point gage manometer.
Delivers repeatable accuracy in measuring positive, negative or differential
pressures to ¡¾.00025" water column over a 0 to 2" w.c. range. Metric model M-
1430 reads from 0-50 mm w.c. Calibrates other instruments. Provides high
precision for test laboratories of manufacturers of fans, air conditioning and
heating equipment, pneumatic or fluidic controls, etc. Used in college,
university and consultant laboratories - wherever precision measurements are
required. Used with pitot tube (at extra cost) for precision measurement of low
air velocities. Measures positive, negative or differential pressures to 2/0"
When pressure is applied, fluid level drops in left bore, rises over point in
right bore, actuating meter. Point is then retracted from fluid, returned again
slowly until contact registers on meter. Reading on micrometer is then noted.
Repeat operation several times. Then multiply average by two. This is the
pressure applied. Interpolating eight divisions between .001 micrometer
graduations easily achieves a total accuracy of .00025" w.c.
Simple, detailed instructions furnished enable operator to level unit, adjust
fluid level and zero gage quickly. To level, adjust finger-tip screws in base,
using spirit level bubble as guide. To bring fluid to proper height in bore,
open rapid shut-off valve tube connectors. Back point out of fluid. Remove or
add fluid until it coincides with mark on bore.
To zero gage, set micrometer scales at zero mark. Turn meter switch on. Turntop
micrometer knob to lower the point until meter indicates contact. Readjust
until zero micrometer reading and meter contact indication exactly coincide.
Gage is ready for use.
Easy to Maintain and Clean Battery replacement and instrument cleaning are
quick and simple - use mild soap and water. Indicating fluid consists of
distilled water and a small amount of Dwyer A-126 Fluorescein green color
concentrate. Max. pressure 100 psig (6.89 bar).
Microtector?/sup> kit includes everything needed:
Microtector?/sup> Gage* ?A Durablock?/sup> solid, precision machined acrylic
plastic body, mounted on heavy, ? thick steel base, 3-point base mounting has
two leveling screws and level vial for quick setup.
Gage Meter ?Sensitive 0-50 microamp D.C. meter acts as detector. Powered by 1 ?
volt penlight cell (included). No external power needed. Meter also indicates
battery and hook probe condition.
Electronic Circuitry ?Solid state integrated circuit electronic components are
mounted on glass epoxy board enclosed in a molded styrene acrylonitrile
compartment for protection. A.C. Detector current eliminates hook plating.
Micrometer ?Adjusts point with precision. Complies with Federal Specification
GGG-C-105C and is traceable to a master at the NIST.
Dwyer Gage Fluid - ?oz. Non-toxic concentrate of fluorescein green color,
wetting agent and distilled water. Use with distilled water.
Accessories ?Two 3-foot lengths of tygon tubing, two 1/8" pipe thread adapters,
micrometer wrench and crocus cloth for cleaning point.
Carrying Case-Cover ?Rugged sheet steel, gray finish. Carrying handle and
latches. Complete instructions included.
*Patent No 3,726,142